How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Valentine in 2024 (Proven Steps)

Is there a holy grail in how to ask a girl to be your Valentine? If there is, why are some guys still single?

For some guys, the thought of asking a girl out on a date is like telling them to touch coal.

These guys would rather sleep on ice than take chances in asking a lady out, let alone ask them to be their Valentine.

Timidity, the thought of rejection, fear, and an inferiority complex are reasons many single men struggle to find a partner.

Before you go about thinking that girls are hard to woo, consider the statement of Jason, a victim of gynophobia;

“I had always thought talking to a lady requires a lucky charm and some abracadabra to get them to like you”

Like Jason, many single guys think wooing a lady is another rocket science. Well, my friend, it’s not.

It’s Valentine’s season, and there’s no better time to get your crush to be your girl than now.

Without further delay, let’s get down to how you can ask a girl to be your Valentine.

How to Ask a Girl to Be Your Valentine

While the suggestions listed here are not a one-size-fits-all alternative, they are a good start to getting that lady you secretly admire on a date night on the 14th.

These include.

  • Asking them over a text.
  • Doing something nice for them
  • Stating the obvious
  • Turning a casual hangout into a Val’s date request.
How to ask a girl to be your valentine image of a person pressing on a phone

#1. Asking them over a text

If you wish to test the waters before meeting the girl in person, then asking them over a text won’t be a bad idea.

This will give you ample time to gauge your reaction should she refute or accept your offer.

Psychologists at Regain suggest that asking a girl out over a text works best if there is an existing relationship.

Ensure that you establish some acquaintances before you reach out to her.

#2. Doing something nice for them.

You didn’t think the phrase ‘sweep a lady off her feet’ was there for nothing, did you? Let me tell you a bit about my first love.

It was at a supermarket. I was at the counter sorting my bills when she walked up to make a payment.

Unfortunately, her card was exhausted, and she had to reduce the items on her card to match her credit balance.

Well, being a gentleman, I opted to complete her balance, and guess what?

We got on our first date a few days after the incident. So what’s my point exactly?

Sometimes, a single act of kindness could get you having that lady up for a Valentine’s date.

#3. Stating the Obvious.

To ask a girl to be your Valentine means doing away with your reservations

In this context, I mean kicking away timidity and going all out to seek a date from them.

There is a 50/50 probability that she is also eager to have you as her Val, and you should know that many females are careful not to ask a guy out. Take the lead and do the asking.

#4. Turning a casual hangout into a Valentine’s date request.

You can seize the opportunity of a first date to state your intention to that special someone who interests you.

Maybe over a dinner night, lunch break, or any date between you two, go on to tell her what you feel

You should be tactical in making this request, though.

This involves creating a memorable first meeting with her that will make her want to hang out with you subsequently.

So there you have it, how to ask a girl to be your valentine.

Let’s talk about asking a girl to be your Valentine over text and the secret formula to getting a response.

 How to ask a girl to be your Valentine over text?

Social media platforms, dating sites, and other online forums have made the dating scene almost governed by chats and videos.

It now feels almost commonplace to find two people set up a physical date from their chat online.

The idea of asking a girl to be your Valentine over text first requires a level of connection and communication.

By that, I mean you both have been conversing before you requested she be your Val.

This will make it easier for you to bring up the conversation, as she already feels comfortable around you.

Now that the question of familiarity is out of the way, here’s what you need to do

Try these practical steps to get that girl to be your Valentine all by texting:

#1. Know if she’s single

You wouldn’t want to make the mistake of making an engaged lady your Val, would you?

So, before you hit the enter button, it is wise that you know if she is in any committed relationship before letting her know of your intent.

Indirectly ask her about her boyfriend if you don’t want to ask her the question directly to avoid suspicion.

Her response will suggest if you should go on with your quest or not.

#2. Genuinely Know her interest

Questions like knowing what she likes and even her favorite movies could be a great start.

These questions, although minuscule, register in her mind and envisage you to be someone who cares, even if you both don’t have any romantic relationship going on yet.

By taking the time to connect with her interests and desires, if she opens up to give you answers to the questions you’ve asked her, she is likely to accept your proposal of being a Val for Valentine.

#3. Make your chat with her interesting

Do well to spice your chat with funny comments and other things to make her consider your proposal for being your Val.

Ladies, by nature, are emotional, meaning that their emotions take prominence in their relationship with anyone.

A little witty comment and often well-placed flattery can go a long way to get her to consent to your request for a Val. One thing to point out is that in your advances, be genuine about your compliments and the words you type lest she take you as unserious.

There is a lot at stake when‌ asking a lady to be your Val over text; the lack of physical connection, expression, and clues that would have been noticeable if it was a face-to-face meeting will be absent, but following through with the suggestion offered is a great way to get started.

When can you ask a girl to be your Valentine?

There is no specific time to ask a girl to be your Valentine. Some guys prefer to make the request as soon as they are on a date with their special one. Others will wait till the eve of the event before letting their heart out. The right time to ask a girl out to be your Valentine is up to you to decide.

How do you say will you be my Valentine?

You can choose to go the conventional way of proposing to a lady by directly asking if she could be your Val, or you can choose to use the spicy tips given below:

‘How about I take you out on the 14th?’

This indirect manner of asking a lady to be your Val is a perfect way to hedge your intention without sounding too desperate while allowing your object of interest to decide if they want to or not.

‘I want you to come with me so-so and so on the 14th’

Take charge of the narrative by offering a date rather than trying to know what her schedule entails. “Women love being surprised, and even if they have a schedule, they wouldn’t mind sacrificing it for something that will whet their appetite, including romance,” in the opinion of Tristen, a relationship expert.

So, instead of trying to check in with their schedule, make it explicit by offering to take her out on Valentine’s, and if she likes you enough, know that she will sacrifice her schedule to be with you.

‘Where would you be on the 14th?’

Maybe you are getting to know this lady and are unsure how she will take the direct demand of asking her out. This alternative is one you should consider in your toolbox when trying to ask a girl if she will be your Valentine.

‘Where would you be on the 14th?’ suggests that you be considerate and willing to accept fate should the response to your request of her being your Val don’t work out. It also portrays you to the girl as someone who isn’t forceful and willing to go with the decisions of others.

‘Can I be the one to pamper you on Valentine’s?’ Are you expecting a date? Are there other alternatives?

Whichever you choose, remember that delivery is everything.

Should I ask for my crush to be my Valentine?

Do you have someone you have secretly been admiring? With the possibility of asking them to be your Valentine?

Well, before jumping into that decision, there are some factors to put in place to help you in your quest. They are:


Except you are mobile, choosing to ask your crush to be your Valentine is one factor you should consider because when your crush lives miles away from you, it becomes difficult to get them coming over to your residence or wherever you want to hang out.

Personal Relationship

How well you know the person you call your crush can also determine whether it is worth asking them to be your Val.

A crush you know fairly well may not be an ideal match to have as a Valentine’s date, but a crush you know well will be a good idea for asking out to be your Val.

Other factors to consider when asking your crush out for a Valentine’s date include their personality, status, etc.

Will you be my Valentine’s best answer?

Let’s assume you ask this special person if they will be your Val; what do you do next?

There are three possible answers you should anticipate. A yes, No or a Maybe.

A yes is a clear pointer that she wants to be your Val, and it’s up to you to make the moment memorable for her.

If she responds with a No, don’t get work out, she’s probably too busy or has someone she has in mind already.

You’ve just got to keep trying, and hopefully, you’ll find another lady willing to let you be her prince charming.

So there you have everything you need to know about asking a girl to be your valentine. Hopefully, you’ll find love and, in this season, get to walk down the Isle if that’s what you want. Until next time, Adios.


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