Contentment; All You Need to Know!

I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of, so they can see that it’s not the answer. – Jim Carrey

Always be content with what you have” they say, but oftentimes it’s not as easy as it sounds. Contentment is really a great deal; it takes a conscious effort to be content with whatever you might have achieved. Perhaps you want to ask; why be content, when you can actually achieve more? Why settle for less?

What Is Contentment?

Let’s try to understand what it really means to be content. Contentment is a mental state of self-satisfaction with what one possesses. It is not excitement, it’s not winning that contract you’ve always prayed for, it’s not making a pile of money, it’s not buying a new car, it’s not going on a desired vacation, and it’s not even finding love. It is self-satisfaction with what you already have.  The big question now is; how easy can it be for a person to be happy with things you already possess without craving for more?

Oftentimes we use the phrase “I will be happy when…”. Meanwhile in truth, if there is always a next big thing one might never find true happiness. More than 50 per cent of the world population today strive, hustle and work tirelessly to make a living, get rich and famous, get a comfortable life, have world-recognized careers or probably conquer the world as the case may be. What do you think they are looking forward to achieving? Happiness or contentment? And will they ever have it when there is no limit to what they can actually achieve?

Contentment might sound a little like laziness but it’s not, it is simply setting attainable goals and enjoying the process of reaching the goals while appreciating what you have already achieved. So basically, reaching the goal is not a do-or-die affair. 

What Contentment Means to Different People

I was having a conversation with a friend (a scriptwriter) and he said something that left me speechless and showed contentment at its peak. He said ”I really don’t see myself changing the world or creating anything extraordinary, I plan to serve Jesus, make my family happy and die in a cinema chair”. It’s funny how a 15-year-old in college worries that he still collects money from his parents because he feels his mates are buying cars and living in a well-furnished apartment in school. And he gets depressed over the fact that he thinks he isn’t where he is supposed to be. Well, this is so far from living a contented life because the process of being 15 wasn’t enjoyed.

He probably spent it being unappreciative of what he already has. Living a contented life could be that; I appreciate my parents for being able to pay my bills, I appreciate the love from family and friends, and I appreciate that I am doing well in school. And since I can’t live a luxurious life at the moment, I could focus on my studies and try to learn some skills.

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How to Become Contented

If you think being content is great, then here are a few ways to start;

Being Content Is a Choice

As I pointed out it’s a state of mind. So creating that state of mind takes some decisions and changes of usual practices to enable you to create a contempt state of mind. It also involves being aware of your thoughts and actions.

 Practice Gratitude

Learn to appreciate the little things you have and the people that love you. Learn to focus on the things that make you happy and the good things that have happened to you.

Be in Control of Your Attitude

Always remember that happiness is a choice and you choose what to be happy about and whatnot, so make that decision wisely. Let your happiness not be in the acquisition of possession but rather in enjoying the process.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

This is a major key in self-contempt. People will always appear better and more successful. It’s a good thing to know your life is different and what matters the most is your happiness. The comparison makes finding contentment a lot harder.

Being Content Doesn’t Mean You Should Stop Growing

Be happy with the progress you have made so far and keep growing. Remember contentment is different from complacency.

Setting Long-Term Goals

 I had another conversation with some other friend and he said ”I want more out of life than chasing money all the time, I want to find love, have a spiritual and beautiful marriage, raise good kids that will become good people, retire early, go somewhere quiet live a long life with the love of my life and die in God”. Yes, easier said than done. This actually requires proper planning. Planning your life in such a way that you will live it doing the things you love. You have to set goals on how you would want your life to turn out a good example is a retirement plan. Having a retirement plan shows some level of contentment, some people may never plan to retire. 

Benefits of Living a Contented Life

  • Contentment makes you happy.
  • Makes you live a healthy life.
  • Gives peace of mind.
  • Gives a better room for growth. 
  • Stronger and better relationships with others

Frequently Asked Questions About Contentment

What are the types of contentment?

There are 4 states of contentment; Good contentment, bad contentment, bad lack of contentment (bad discontentment), and good lack of contentment (good discontentment).

What are signs of contentment?

People who are content accept and love themselves while expressing emotions positively. They also appreciate healthy relationships and find happiness in little things. Contented people have the patience and commitment to stay true to their goals.

What Causes poor conttentment?

When you find yourself worrying about things you can’t control, discontentment can set in. Not appreciating yourself for your wins before wanting more. And finally when you focus so much on society’s validation of achievements.

Is contentment an emotion?

Contentment is better described as a state of mind, not an emotion. Although a feeling of contentment can make you feel an emotion.

Is contentment same as happiness?

They cannot be described as the same concept. Happiness is an emotion and contentment is more like a state of mind so contentment can help you feel happy.

When you are contented you realize that you can own stuff without being weighed down by it and I think that’s a great way to live.

Question: Would you rather live a life of contentment?

My conversations with Jubilee (the scriptwriter) and Jeremy ( another friend) inspired me to write this, I appreciate you both for always having my time.

“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.” -Bilal Zahoor   

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