9 Powerful Ways to Celebrate Men’s Mental Health Month Before June Ends

For many years, men have been told to “toughen up” and keep their feelings inside. But this negative stigma has taken a toll on a ton of men across the globe. They now deal with their mental health problems alone. Well, June brings the annual observance of Men’s Mental Health Month. While mental health is important for everyone, this period is the time set aside to raise awareness about the unique challenges and stigmas men often face when it comes to their mental well-being. However, the question is, “how exactly should men celebrate mental health month?”  In this article, I have done the groundwork to save you stress. Here are 9 powerful ways to celebrate Men’s Mental Health Month this June, starting with the basics.

What Month is Men’s Mental Health Month

Men’s Mental Health Month is a period when men prioritize their mental and physical health. It is the time we dedicate to create awareness about the mental challenges men experience and encourage them to seek treatment.

June is acknowledged as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month by Mental Health America (M.H.A.) and the International Men’s Health Month website.

But it’s important to keep in mind that June is not officially recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month in every nation.

For example, In the UK, it is celebrated in November, also known as Movember. In this period, men grow mustaches to promote awareness of men’s health issues, which include prostate and testicular cancer, in addition to mental health issues.
Men’s Mental Health Month is celebrated twice a year. Also, the green ribbon is the international symbol of mental health awareness.

Ways to Celebrate Men’s Mental Health Month

Men’s Mental Health Month is a time to raise awareness and show support for the mental well-being of men everywhere. From encouraging open conversations about emotions to organizing wellness activities like hikes or yoga sessions, there are plenty of ways to positively impact men’s mental health. Here are nine ways you can celebrate and promote men’s mental health:

1. Engaging in activities that make you happy

As we age, we discover that we are prioritizing things that might not bring as much satisfaction and disregarding our happiness. Completing things that you find unpleasant might, in some ways, strengthen your mind. However, if it starts to impact your well-being negatively and you notice that you’re becoming depressed, it’s time to stand back and reassess.
We participate in extracurricular activities and hobbies for a purpose. We take pleasure in them! Don’t allow the mundane to interfere with your passion. The primary passion of many people is not their line of work. It’s a secondary hobby instead. Spend time doing the activities you enjoy, especially after a challenging day. Think about it like this: It is better to unwind by watching TV or hanging out with people rather than thinking about the bad events that happened during the day.

2. Build a routine

Establishing a routine is essential for both mental and physical development. Understandably, we tend to deviate from a timetable since life happens. Unfortunately, we should not forgo our basic needs. Sleep is one basic need that we tend to overlook. One of the main reasons for instability and disturbance in routine is poor sleeping habits. Another thing that throws off a schedule is eating at odd hours or not at all.
A well-defined schedule improves everyday planning and reduces uncertainty about the day’s events.

3. Increase your level of physical activity.

There is a connection between the mind and body. It can be challenging to encourage yourself to engage in physical activities when you’re not in a good mental state. You exhaust your body when your mental state is at its weakest. It was rare for someone to feel horrible about themselves or their workout after a successful, extended session. Anytime you push through whatever is on your mind, you should be proud of yourself for persevering. It can be difficult to overcome mental illnesses. Therefore, when you succeed, it is always cause for celebration.

4. Having family time

People make these decisions about marriage, starting families, and relocating near relatives for a variety of reasons. However, Happiness is the one “why” that connects them all. Thus, remember that Family is an essential part of your life, so make time for them, particularly if you work a lot.
Even though you spend time with your family on a daily basis, you can never get back the hour you will miss out on playing outside with your kid or attending your daughter’s music presentation. When other commitments force you to miss out on family time, and it starts to significantly impact your mental health by causing you to feel regret, disappointment, and irritation, that’s when you know it’s time.

5. Seeking Therapy or Counselling

This one might be the most significant of them all. Too many guys have the feeling that they are unworthy, alone, and uncared for. Those emotions can worsen depression and lead to substance abuse if there is no treatment and appropriate coping methods. Therapists have training, are compassionate, and have a desire to aid others. Seeking help is a good idea if you feel like the world is collapsing and your mental health is suffering. Numerous people, including politicians, great athletes, and celebrities, also benefit from therapy. Individuals who appear to be the most well-organized also attend therapy.

6. Get rid of vices and undesirable habits

Everyone has bad habits, just like everyone has mouths. Although there might be a difference in the level, nearly everyone engages in at least one unhealthy behaviour. Something as basic as biting your cuticles or nails when you’re nervous or having trouble focusing might become a harmful habit. It can also be taking drugs every night. As previously said, a large number of males experience some type of addiction, most commonly alcohol consumption. The delicate and unstable character of an addict during withdrawals makes it incredibly difficult to stop using addictive drugs, not only for the addict but also for others around them.
Giving up an addiction gives many people a huge boost in confidence. An individual suffering from an addiction may experience a sense of enslavement, and conquering that addiction is like breaking the chains of slavery.
Sometimes, all it takes to improve your life is to break free from the chains.

7. Socialize face-to-face with people:

Socializing face-to-face is vital, especially as we age. Finding time to get together outside of holidays can be challenging, so it’s important to prioritize getting out of our shells. While staying home and relaxing is fine, it’s important to spice up your life by going out more. It removes the negative thoughts in your mind, especially after a long day.

8. Host a Wear Blue Day

Wear Blue Day is about raising awareness and spreading understanding about men’s health issues. As the name suggests, everyone dresses in blue on this day. You can celebrate Wear Blue Day on any date you like in June.
Choose a date, set a fundraising target, wear blue, Then you can go out into the community with your employees to promote awareness. After raising funds, contribute them to a nonprofit cause supporting men’s health, such as the Cancer Trust.

9. Organize a Health Fair

During Men’s Health Month, a health fair can be an excellent method of drawing attention to men’s health. Organizing a health fair may be a fun and educational experience for your community.
Invite vendors who specialize in men’s wellness services for a men’s health fair. Ensure that the decorations are also consistent with the theme. Also, because men are more likely to smoke, don’t forget to invite merchants who provide smoking cessation goods.

When did Men’s Mental Health Month Start?

Senator Bob Dole originally established men’s Mental Health Month in the United States in 1994. Previously, It was known as Men’s Mental Health Week, which aimed to raise awareness of the importance of men’s health and encourage them to seek treatment in order to prevent health issues.

As time went on, advocates soon realized that Mental health was an important part of men’s health. They found out that it was overlooked among men due to the societal expectations and stigma they face concerning mental health. Finally, Men’s Mental Health Month was created to raise awareness of the mental health challenges faced by males around the world.

During this period, different individuals and organizations team up to plan various events, exchange information, and hold discussions with the aim of educating the public about Men’s mental health and its importance. The primary goal is to create a society where men are able to have their mental health in mind and are provided with the resources to take care of it. This will help them live happier and healthier lives.

Why is Men’s Mental Health Month Overlooked?

Unfortunately, Men’s Mental Health Month is not as popular as it should be. Most men do not even know what it is due to various reasons listed below:

1. Lack of resources and awareness:

There are many who lack awareness or understanding regarding the type of mental health challenges that men face. This could lead to a lack of interest, resources, services, and support systems dedicated to the mental health of men. One reason for the belief that men’s mental health is undervalued is a lack of resources.

2. Social expectations:

Society expects males to be tough, stoic, and independent due to traditional gender roles, which can discourage them from asking for assistance or expressing their feelings. This social norm could be a factor in the lack of knowledge and discussion surrounding men’s mental health concerns.

3. Stigma associated with mental health:

Men are not excluded from the widespread stigma that has historically surrounded mental health disorders. Because of societal standards that prevent men from asking for help or showing vulnerability, men may encounter additional difficulties. Men may be discouraged from asking for help or being honest about their challenges due to the stigma associated with mental health issues, plus the popular belief that they are supposed to ‘man-up’ and show no emotion.

Finally, a lot of men’s health programs concentrate on different problems. Campaigns for mental health awareness frequently face a wide range of subjects and may not always focus on particular problems with men’s mental health. It is necessary to understand that people of all genders have mental health concerns. Therefore, we need to make efforts to address mental health issues equally.
Despite the fact that some people might believe that Men’s Mental Health Month is overlooked, it’s crucial to remember that knowledge and understanding of mental health concerns in general have increased recently.

Essential Things to Remember on Men’s Mental Health Month

Here are some things to remember for you to have a fulfilling Men’s Mental Health Month.

Create awareness:

Men’s Mental Health Month provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the particular mental health issues that men experience. The goal is to raise awareness of the value of mental health and motivate men to get treatment when they need it. It is necessary to clear the negative perceptions associated with men’s mental health and encourage open discussions about emotional difficulties.

Encourage men to get help when they need it:

We expect men to know it all and figure out everything alone. This can make it difficult for them to admit when they need mental health assistance and to go for it. Men’s Mental Health Month highlights how important it is to ask for help when you need it and to reach out for support. It inspires men to place a high value on their mental health and self-care and to understand that asking for assistance is a show of strength rather than weakness.

Talk about particular problems:

Men may have mental health issues that are influenced by a number of characteristics, such as gender roles, cultural standards, and societal expectations. Men’s Mental Health Month acknowledges the need for specific methods to deal with these particular problems. This involves talking about issues like anxiety, depression, preventing suicide, addiction, and the harm that toxic masculinity causes to men’s mental health. Also, It emphasizes how crucial it is to encourage guys to develop healthy coping strategies and nurture good environments so they can grow emotionally.

Men’s Mental Health Month vs Pride Month

Due to the clash between the Men’s Mental Health Month celebrations and Pride Month, the general public has been tense. Some people say that considering that Pride Month just started recently, that it’s selfish of the pride community to fix it on the same month as Men’s Mental Health Month, which has been here for a while.

However, let us remember that there are other world celebrations happening at the same time. Besides, there are men in the Pride community. Also, statistics have shown a higher rate of mental health problems among the men in the pride community compared to heterosexual men.
Essentially, I am trying to say that we all have our work cut out for us. Men’s mental health is to be done with all men, whether part of the Pride community or not.


Today, most men do not devote sufficient attention to their health and well-being. The rush and bustle of daily life causes several health concerns in males. Because of a lack of understanding and education, many men do not discuss their difficulties and seek professional help.

This is why we should not overlook men’s health issues, and businesses should make certain that their male employees are healthy and fit. This June, during guys’s Health Week and Men’s Health Month, encourage all of the guys in your life to take care of their health and live their best lives.

Finally, bear in mind that the promotion of mental health for all is a continuous activity, of which Men’s Mental Health Month is only one part. It is important that discussions continue and men get support for their mental health all year long, not just in June or November.

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