Life Coach vs Therapist: What Are the Differences?

Life coach vs therapist is by far one of the most misused terms in our everyday life. It can be pretty tough to live without goals and dreams, it can lead to stress, depression, anxiety etc. Talking to a professional outside your inner circle could go a long way in getting back on track. It could be a life coach or a therapist. In this article, I pointed out the clear-cut differences and similarities between a life coach and a therapist and I believe that at the end of this article, you will be able to make an intelligent decision on which one is right for you.

What Is Therapy?

Therapy is a long-term process in which a prospect works with a licensed healthcare professional to analyze and decipher problematic behaviours, feelings, relationship matters, and also sometimes physical responses to crises. It concentrates on past traumas and issues to reduce signs of mental illness and also to help overcome hard life challenges without using self-destructive approaches.

A therapist is a licensed healthcare professional in charge of this field.

What Is Life Coaching

Life coaching is a long or short-term process in which a prospect works with a trained and not necessarily licensed professional to define goals, build motivations towards these goals, and identify obstacles or delays to achieving these goals. A life coach organizes action plans geared towards helping prospects achieve great results. Altogether, it concentrates on providing important tools to help prospects achieve and even exceed these goals in the future. A trained professional in charge of this field is a life coach.

Similarities Between a Life Coach vs a Therapist

It is very important to note that both therapists and life coaches have striking similarities and their roles are thus misplaced most times.

These similarities include;

1. They both have a similar goal of helping prospects identify the problem affecting their normal lives.

2. They are restorative. There is a deep sense of calm and release at the end of each session.

3. Both therapy and life coaching sessions are paid for.

4. They encourage self-evaluation and self-accountability.

5. They are non-judgemental. For instance, they carefully listen to their prospects and offer solutions.

Differences Between a Life Coach vs a Therapist

Although therapists and life coaches have similar interests as they both work with people, there are however some factors that distinguish a therapist from a life coach. These factors include;


Therapists possess a degree and state license to practice while coaches may have certificates but do not have a license.


Therapists have governing boards.

Depending on the state/country, they are rules that must be met to practice outside the country they are licensed in.

In contrast, coaches currently do not have a governing board and as such can freely practice anywhere.


The therapist concentrates on recuperation from mental health and illnesses like PTSD, anxiety, etc. It does this by relating to past events and also by helping clients heal from these events so they can be in a better frame of mind for the future.  While coaches concentrate on the current events to strategize actions that will help focus on the future.


Therapists centre on understanding the prospect and trying to support the prospects to find solutions to their problem or at least find relief while coaches motivate and challenge you to achieve your full potential.


Therapists diagnose illnesses specifically mental illnesses and they are thus covered by insurance as they also prescribe medicine while coaches are not covered by insurance.


Therapists help prospects develop skills to help deal with emotional traumas, anxiety, etc while coaches help prospects build skills to grow in all areas of their life.

Work environment

Therapists usually work in an office environment, their sessions are usually face-to-face while coaches can work online.

This is not a major difference as technology keeps advancing and therapists can work online now.


Therapy sessions are long-term. They go on for years till the prospect is considered fit or healthy. Although, some prospects stop halfway against the advice of their therapist.

Coaching sessions have a limited amount of time. Achievement of the goal usually leads to the end of the session.

How to Figure Out When to See a Life Coach vs a Therapist

The goal you want to achieve determines the professional to visit.

When to See a Life Coach

You should consider seeing a life coach for issues like;

  1. Low self-esteem issues and feeling like you are wrecking your success by yourself.
  2. On a quest to find your true self and be the best.
  3. Guidance and discipline in following a new career path.
  4. Feeling a lack of fulfilment.
  5. Creation of active business programs.
  6. Gaining complete financial independence
  7. Achieve a particular goal or learn a particular skill within a specific amount of time.

When to See a Therapist

You should consider seeing a therapist;

  1. If you cannot overcome past trauma and triggers.
  2. To trace some irregular behavioural patterns and improve social skills
  3. You want to understand and cope with a panic attack
  4. When you are going through a strenuous emotional activity like struggling with divorce, a toxic relationship, etc
  5. Issues of your past need to be sorted out to move on.


In the quest for self-development and actualization, both therapy and coaching services are needed.

Nevertheless, it is important to grasp the relevance and distinctions between therapists and life coaches in order to pick which is best suited for the goal we are pursuing.

Frequently asked questions on Life coach vs therapist

Is Online Coaching Advisable?

Yes, it is advisable. Online coaching is affordable and it is helpful for people with extremely busy schedules. Also, the extent of your improvement and growth is entirely at your own pace and control.

Is Therapy Confidential?

Yes, Confidentiality is the most important part of therapy. Every therapist provides their prospects with a written copy of a confidentiality disclosure agreement and as such everything shared during therapy is not available to the public even your family and friends without your permission. However, it is also important to note that some state laws permit therapists to report cases like suspected abuse or neglect of children or elderly persons, potential suicidal intent etc to the appropriate bodies in charge of the case.

What Happens at a Coaching Session?

Questions about your goal and objectives are asked. The life coach tries to ascertain your schedule so as to help maximize your time and challenge you to move forward in life.

How Do I Know if My Therapist Is the Right Fit?

Therapy is generally considered a safe space. It is advisable to have a therapist that you feel comfortable and communicate well with. Also, depending on what you are dealing with, it is good to meet a therapist that specializes in that particular issue. For example, a family therapist for family problems.

How Do I Maximize My Therapy Sessions?

Attend therapy with an open mind, and drop all the misconceptions you might have heard of therapy. Attend willingly. Always ensure to do your projects and assignments, they help you grow. Be open about talking about yourself and amongst all things, let your emotions flow.

Why Do I Need a Life Coach When I Have the Capacity to Achieve My Goals on My Own?

In as much as everyone has the ability to achieve everything they set on, some aspects of our lives suffer as a result of this. We focus on success and then our personal relationships suffer. Life coaching helps to set a balance between all aspects of our life. It equips us with the necessary tools and techniques to stay motivated and achieve our goals

How Do I Know if Therapy Is Working?

If you find yourself trying out and performing the skills acquired during your therapy sessions and also if you feel better and more fulfilled after a few sessions then therapy is working.

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