International Women’s Day: How to Make Women in Your Life Feel Special

As International Women’s Day draws near, it is time to honour the amazing women in our lives once again. They are not just our mothers, daughters, and sisters. They are also our friends and coworkers and are indeed deserving of love and care. In this article, I will provide insightful tips to help you celebrate the women who hold a special place in your life- not just on a specific holiday like this one but daily as well. I’m sure you’re grateful for these women and their influence in your life. So how best can you express your gratitude for them and show some support for their dreams and ambitions, too? Get ready to do some learning!

What Is International Women’s Day and Why Is It Celebrated?

International Women’s Day is a global celebration observed annually on March 8 to honour women. It is a day when the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women are celebrated. Additionally, it also serves as a call to action to accelerate gender equality and raise global awareness of women’s rights problems.

IWD can be traced back to the early twentieth century. The first International Women’s Day assembly was held in 1911 and advocated for women’s rights to work, vote, and hold public office. IWD has since evolved into a global movement that celebrates women’s successes while also raising awareness of the inequities and challenges that women continue to face.

International Women’s Day celebrations typically include rallies, seminars, artistic performances, and other activities aimed at promoting gender equality and commemorating women’s achievements in all areas of life.

What Is the Theme of Women’s Day 2024?

The theme of International Women’s Day 2024 is “Invest in Women: Accelerate Growth”. According to the official International Women’s Day website:

When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment.

One of the goals of this year’s theme is to inspire individuals to speak up when they see women left out of larger discussions, whether in the workplace, in decision-making, or in the public eye.

Why Is International Women’s Day on March 8?

International Women’s Day (IWD) began in early 20th-century labour movements in North America and Europe. It was fueled by the universal female suffrage movement. The first known occurrence was a “Women’s Day” that the Socialist Party of America hosted in New York City on February 28, 1909. This gave rise to the proposal by German delegates to the 1910 International Socialist Women’s Conference to hold “a special Women’s Day” each year. However, there was no fixed date at this time.

The ensuing year came along with the earliest International Women’s Day protests and celebrations around Europe. By 1917, the Russian Provisional Government granted women the right to vote. Thus, March 8 became a national holiday for women. When the United Nations officially recognized International Women’s Day in 1977, it quickly gained popularity as a worldwide holiday.

IWD is now observed as a public holiday in a number of nations to honour the achievements of women.

What Is the Message of International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day (IWD) is annually celebrated with any of the following goals:

  • To honour the accomplishments of women
  • To educate and increase awareness about women’s equality
  • To advocate for changes that will benefit women, push for faster gender parity, and
  • To generate money for charities that support women

IWD is so inclusive and this allows anyone and everyone from different countries of the world to contribute to this cause of gender equality. As a matter of fact, you are encouraged to do so. You can participate in any type of IWD activity such as campaigns, events, rallies, lobbying efforts, performances, festivals, parties, and fun runs, amongst others, as long as it is legal in your country.

So, celebrate IWD and take whatever personal action you can to contribute to the creation of a gender-neutral world.

How to Make Women in Your Life Feel Special

Complacency is a quick way to make a relationship go south. You don’t have to break the bank to do intentional things that will make your woman feel special. Here are some tips to help you out:

Spend time with her one-on-one

Making time for your woman is one way to make her feel special and show her how important she is to you. As you must have heard severally, actions speak louder than words.

Admittedly, it is easy to get engrossed in your work, children, and some other duties. But make sure to set aside time each week to spend one-on-one with your woman. That way, she understands how important she is to you and will never have to guess whether or not she fits into your life.

Listen when she talks

Another way to make your woman feel special is by showing interest in what they share with you through active listening. You want to make sure you get rid of any distractions, such as your phone or the TV making noise in the background.

Also, maintain eye contact during the conversation—even if it is a routine one. You can also use nonverbal cues to show that you’re following what they’re saying and that you understand. For instance, you could nod in agreement. You could also ask questions to show you’re following and prompt them to open up and speak freely.

Acknowledge what she does for you

Women love to feel seen. Letting your woman know how much you value and appreciate what she does is a way of making her feel special. It can be easy to slip into a state in your relationship where you begin to take your woman for granted simply because you’ve been together for a long time.

It’ll require conscious and intentional efforts on your end. Make a habit of telling your partner how much you appreciate her and all the wonderful things she does for you every day.

Give her compliments

Affirming your woman is another way to let her know you appreciate and love her. When you’ve been around someone for a while, there is a tendency to stop complimenting them.

I’ve found that this happens often in my friendships. I had to intentionally call my friend’s attention to it and also caution myself to adjust accordingly when I erred. So, you should do the same for that special woman in your life. Celebrate her when she gets a promotion at work or smashes one of her goals. Compliment her when she dresses stunningly. Let her feel special!

Accept her for who she is

Rather than pointing out her shortcomings, compliment your woman on the best qualities that you love about her. Accepting a woman as she is, without trying to change her or wishing she were someone else, is the easiest way to love her. Telling her that she is inadequate or does not measure up is unnecessary and will only tear her down.

Women are constantly being subjected to social pressures on what to do, what to eat, what to look like, and what to even wear. You can care for your woman by showing her that she does not have to conform to the press, media, or culture.

Let them know that you love them unconditionally and that you accept them as they are, with no desire to change them.

Be dependable

So that she knows she can trust you, you have to be a man of your word. Always follow through on your promises. If for any reason you’ll be unable to do so, notify her right away and apologize too.

Remember that words do not always translate into actions. Saying you would be there for her is simple, but really, following through can be a little more difficult.


Finally, as we celebrate International Women’s Day this year again, let’s remember to honour and celebrate the incredible women in our lives. Let’s strive for a world where women feel valued, empowered, and supported in pursuing their dreams and ambitions. Make a commitment to honour and uplift the women around you.

Together, we can create a world where every woman feels included, valued, respected, and empowered.


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