Practical Ways to Relieve Tension in the Neck and Shoulder

Stress is a normal experience in our daily activities, but when it is frequent and you don’t take breaks, you create tension. Tension comes from pressure and anxiety, which come from different places. It can be from taking care of a sick person, the nature of your job, a lot of screen time, bad body posture, trying to meet a deadline, etc. However, there are ways to relieve the tension we feel in different parts of our bodies. In this article, we will be discussing how to relieve tension in the neck and shoulder.

How Does Stress and Anxiety Cause Tension in Your Neck and Shoulder?

When you go through a high level of stress, your muscles tense up and automatically tighten. This is your body assuming that you are in danger and preparing itself for a potential physical threat. Sometimes, when your body reacts that way, there is no physical threat. You might just be engaged in some activities like watching football, handling pressure at work, or writing an exam, which makes you anxious, and your body only relaxes when it feels like the threat is gone.

Usually, when the muscles do not relax for a long period of time, probably because of anxiety, it leads to muscle tension, which is called stress response hyper-stimulation. Muscle tension causes tightness, stiffness, an ache, or pain in the neck and shoulders. Other things that cause stress in your neck and shoulders are poor sleeping posture, sitting for a long time, bending your neck for a long period of time, injury, etc.

Why Do I Have So Much Tension in My Neck and Shoulder?

When the tension from the stress builds up, it affects the muscular system, causing it to tighten and contract. Consequently, when your anxiety levels skyrocket, these muscles stiffen. Now, the neck and shoulders are some of the most active areas where this occurs. In essence, the longer your muscular system is tensed, the more tension you feel in your neck and shoulders. By the end of this article, you will know how to relieve tension in the neck and shoulder.

Symptoms of Stress in the Neck and Shoulders

Generally, when we encounter stress in life—whether it comes from work stress, relationship stress, money stress, concern over the status of the world, or other typical contributors—our brain and hormonal systems are triggered. A series of physical symptoms occur by the release of hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol.

Some of the physical symptoms are:

  • Short breath,
  • Sweaty skin,
  • High blood pressure,
  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Muscle twitches

Having stress in your neck and shoulders can result in a variety of bothersome and annoying symptoms. Although each person will experience these symptoms differently, some potential symptoms include:

  • Tightness in the neck and shoulders
  • Stiffness of the neck
  • Clenching your jawbone
  • Headaches and Migraines
  • A feeling of soreness when you turn your head or try to bend your neck

How to Relieve Tension in Neck and Shoulder

Managing your stress is one of the most effective strategies to lessen your symptoms when you feel tightness and soreness in your neck and shoulders. Fortunately, there are a lot of ways to manage stress. We will be discussing a few of the ways you can relieve tension in your neck and shoulders.


Stretches can relieve tension in the neck and shoulder by increasing blood flow to the muscles and helping to release tension. It also helps improve posture and mobility, reducing tension over time. Additionally, stretching can increase the release of endorphins, which are feel-good chemicals that can help reduce stress and tension. Simple stretches can make a difference, and also make sure to inhale and exhale deeply while stretching to improve performance.


Exercise can also be helpful for relieving tension in the neck and shoulders. There are a lot of exercises one can participate in to relieve stress. For example, aerobic exercise, like running or swimming, can help reduce stress and tension by increasing endorphin levels. Strength training, like lifting weights, can help increase muscle strength and flexibility, which can reduce tension. Additionally, yoga can be a great way to stretch and strengthen the neck and shoulders while also focusing on deep breathing and mindfulness.

Good sleep position:

Sleeping in the right position is an important factor in relieving tension in the neck and shoulders. For instance, sleeping on your back with a pillow under your knees and head can help keep your spine aligned and reduce pressure on your neck and shoulders. Also, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can help reduce pressure on your shoulders. You can also change positions while sleeping so as not to stress any specific part of the body. Do not sleep on your stomach in order to prevent neck and shoulder pain. Additionally, Make sure you are getting enough sleep because it helps to relieve tension and reduce stress levels.


This helps you detect thoughts that cause you stress so that you can release them from your subconscious. Therefore, it releases the tension in your body and its stress-related symptoms, like neck and shoulder pain. In addition to the relaxation benefits of meditation, it can also help to increase awareness of how your body is holding tension. For example, during meditation, you might notice that you’re clenching your teeth hard or tensing your jaw. Simply seeing these things during meditation can help you release the tension.

Good body Posture

One of the significant factors in easing tension is good body posture. Here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • While working at a desk, try to keep your spine straight, and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Do not hunch over or let your head sag forward.
  • Avoid slouching when standing and maintain your shoulder back and relaxed.
  • Try to stand tall and keep a good posture while walking.

These simple changes can make a big difference in reducing tension in the neck and shoulders.


A massage is a great way to relieve tension in the neck and shoulder. It helps to loosen up tight muscles and increase blood flow to the applied area. Also, it helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. And the best part is that it doesn’t have to be a professional massage. Even a simple self-massage can be effective.

Warm shower

Taking a warm shower is also a great way to loosen up tight muscles and relieve tension. The warm water helps to relax your muscles and increase blood flow. You can also add some Epsom salts to the water for extra relaxation. And don’t forget to finish with a nice, long stretch for an extra effect.


If you’re experiencing chronic tension in your neck and shoulders, a physical therapist might be what you need. A physical therapist can help identify the source of your tension and create a personalized treatment plan. This might include stretches, exercises, and other techniques to relieve tension and improve your posture.

Stretches for Neck Pain and Shoulders

Neck release

  • Gently release tension in your neck and shoulders by performing this exercise.
  • Chin down near your chest. A stretch will be felt around the back of your neck.
  • To extend your right shoulder, gently incline your head to the left. For up to a minute, maintain this posture.
  • On the other side, repeat. 3 to 5 times on each side.
  • To make this stretch deeper, gently direct the movement. Place one hand on your shoulder and one hand over your ear.
  • Chin down near your chest. A pull will be felt around the back of your neck.
  • To extend your right shoulder, gently incline your head to the left. For up to a minute, maintain this posture.
  • On the other side, repeat. 3 to 5 times on each side.

Across the chest stretch

  • Your shoulder joint, surrounding muscles, and range of motion all benefit from this exercise.
  • If your shoulder hurts while performing this exercise, drop your arm.
  • Firstly, cross your chest with your right arm.
  • Alternatively, use your left hand to support your arm by placing it in the bend of your left elbow.
  • For up to a minute, maintain this position.
  • On the other side, repeat. Perform each side three to five times.

Chest Expansion

  • Holding an exercise band, strap, or towel behind your back with both hands while standing will increase the flexibility and range of motion in your shoulders.
  • Broaden across your chest by moving your shoulder blades toward one another.
  • Lift your chin and look up toward the ceiling.
  • Hold for up to 30 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times.

Seated hamstring stretch

  • To do this stretch, sit on a low stool with your legs extended in front of you.
  • Bend your right knee and place your right foot flat on the floor.
  • Keep your left leg extended and reach for your left foot with both hands.
  • Gently pull your left foot towards you, feeling the stretch in the back of your left thigh.
  • Hold the stretch for 30–60 seconds, and then switch sides.

Shoulder Circles

  • Take a standing position with your back straight, your feet wide apart, and your arms at your sides. This is your starting point.
  • Make a circle with your shoulders, moving them backwards, upward, forward, and finally, downward to the beginning position.
  • After performing the repetitions for a full set, perform the same steps in the opposite way.

Downward Dog Pose

  • The muscles in your shoulders and back are strengthened and stretched in this inversion position.
  • Get down on your knees and begin.
  • Lift your hips up towards the sky by applying pressure with your hands.
  • As you equally distribute your weight between your hands and feet, keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Bring your head towards your feet while maintaining a straight spine. This will cause your shoulders to bend up above.
  • For up to a minute, maintain this posture.

Child’s Pose

  • Your neck, shoulders, and back will feel less tense after performing this restorative position.
  • For support, put a pillow beneath your chest, knees, or forehead.
  • Bring your big toes together and your knees slightly wider than your hips in the downward dog Pose.
  • Arms out in front of you as you tuck your hips back onto your heels.
  • Relax your back and shoulders as you let your chest drop heavily to the ground.
  • Spend up to five minutes in this position

Office Exercises to Relieve Tension in the Neck and Shoulder

Most of the time, we build up tension in the office, maybe while trying to finish a project or meet a deadline. Definitely, you can’t get on the floor and start stretching. Here are some simple exercises that we can do in the office to relieve tension:

Shoulder and neck rolls

  • To do this, sit tall in your chair and slowly roll your shoulders up towards your ears, then down and back.
  • Do this five times, taking deep breaths as you go.
  • Next, try the neck rolls. Slowly turn your head sideways, taking care not to strain your neck.
  • Do this five times on each side.

Seated Chest Opener

  • Sit tall in your chair and place your hands behind your head.
  • Keeping your spine long, gently press your elbows back as you lift your chest.
  • Hold this stretch for five deep breaths, then release.

Wall stretch

  • For a little standing stretch, Stand facing a wall about two feet away.
  • Place your palms flat on the wall, and slowly walk your fingers up the wall as you stretch your arms over your head.
  • Hold this stretch for ten breaths, then release.

Seated spinal twist

  • Sit tall in your chair, and place your right hand on the left side of your chair.
  • As you exhale, gently twist to the left side, placing your left hand on the back of the chair.
  • Keep your spine long and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Hold for five breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Seated Arm circles

This is a very easy one.

  • With your arms dangling at your sides, make small circles in front of you by swinging your arms, going forward and then backwards.
  • Do ten circles in each direction

Seated Twist

  • Sit tall in your chair, and place your left hand on the right side of your chair.
  • Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, gently twist to the right side, keeping your spine long and your shoulders relaxed.
  • Hold the stretch for five breaths, then repeat on the other side.

Home Remedies for Tension in the Neck and Shoulders

Apply heat and ice compress

Heat and ice work together to relieve pain. First, you will apply ice to reduce swelling and inflammation for at least 20 minutes, and then you will use heat to relax stiff muscles. Ice reduces blood flow in the applied area, while heat stimulates blood flow. Make sure to use a cold compress for the ice, preventing direct contact between the ice and your skin. Afterwards, you can use a heating pad or take a warm bath or shower.

Use OTC ( Over-the-counter) pain reliever

Sometimes, when you’ve had a long day, and you want to relieve the tension or calm your anxiety, you can buy some pain relievers. The recommended ones are NSAIDs ( Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like Ibuprofen, which help reduce pain and inflammation.

Neck Movement

Usually, neck tension is caused by stiffness of the neck, and in order to relieve it, you need to slowly rotate the neck. This will help reduce inflammation, loosen stiff muscles, and stimulate blood flow. Avoid jerking or quick movements because this will only increase it.


A massage is another remedy you can use at home to relieve neck tension. You can get someone to gently massage the sore parts; Be sure to direct them so they can get the right spots. If you are home alone, you can simply do a self-massage.

Changing bad postures

You need to monitor the way you keep your body while doing certain activities like work, sleep, watching TV, pressing your phone, etc. When you observe this, then make changes like for sleeping (you should sleep on your side or back, not your front). While using your phone or other devices, make sure it’s at eye level and not at a level that causes strain to your neck.

Chronic Muscle Tightness in the Neck and Shoulder

Chronic muscle tightness in the neck and shoulder is called Trapezius myalgia. It is the tightness and stiffness of the upper trapezius muscle. The trapezius muscle is a part of the body that contains the neck and shoulders.

Tightness of the muscles is normal and treatable, but when it becomes severe, it can be a symptom of a serious health condition like Trapezius myalgia, stiff person syndrome, Lyme disease, or fibromyalgia. The recommended supplements for muscles are magnesium and calcium. It is advised to consult a health practitioner if the symptoms persist.

What Does Neck Free From Stress Feel Like?

Some of us can’t even fathom a neck without tension because we go through a lot of stress. A neck free from stress feels light, relaxed, and pain-free. You’ll notice that you’re able to move your head and neck freely without any discomfort. You will also feel a sense of calm and well-being in your whole body. Your posture will improve and you’ll feel more energized and productive. Apart from that, it also has emotional and mental benefits. You tend to feel more relaxed, less anxious, and able to focus and concentrate better. You even experience a boost in your mood.

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