Addictive Behaviour: Best Practices & What You Need

Addictive behaviour usually gets little attention. It is said that you can’t avoid what you don’t understand. Ok maybe I said it, but it’s true. This article explains the prominent behaviours that you can be addicted to. It also gives out facts on how to know if you are addicted.

Addictive Behaviours

Here are some behaviours that are addictive;

Gambling Addictions

Pathological gambling is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). Gambling is a recreational activity and is not bad except it becomes an addiction. Compulsive Gambling can make one lose or gain a huge amount of money in days which makes them unable to stop. This addiction is very dangerous because the addict’s family and friends suffer when the person becomes irrational about his decisions( which would eventually happen) which could make him bankrupt. Things that used to matter to him wouldn’t even matter anymore. Most pathological gamblers have a great chance of becoming drug addicts, depressed, and finally ending up on the streets.

Food Addiction

addictive behaviour

People tend to eat more than they actually need when the food is high in fat, sugar, and salt because they are addictive foods (release more amount of dopamine). Many people who struggle with this addiction are unable to stop. Hence, they believe it is embarrassing to talk about it.  You can refer to someone as a food addict when his/her compulsive eating behaviour is not controllable even when the negative effects are very much known. Most of the time food addiction is maladaptive. This happens when people are depressed, and they often use it to suppress negative emotions. You might also want to know that food addicts need more and more food to get satisfied and without it. They can experience withdrawal symptoms just like drug addicts.

Shopping Addiction

addictive behaviour

We all have the urge to shop, even when we intentionally don’t go with enough cash we still find a way of using our credit cards but we still find a way to control it anyways. Now just imagine not having any control at all, I mean you want to but you can’t, you can do anything just to shop, shopping makes you feel better, it makes you high(like drugs) and even after regretting and feeling guilty you still go back to it.

Some people refer to shopping addiction as a compulsive buying disorder. It is characterized by continuous shopping for things one does not need and cannot afford. Shopping addiction is actually more serious than it sounds. Apart from the fact that you can go bankrupt by spending above your means or be in great debt. However, this addiction is intertwined with other mental health issues. For instance, depression and anxiety and some do it to boost their self-esteem. Those with his addiction hide it from family and close friends.

Sex, Porn, Masturbation Addiction


This addiction is the compulsion and the inability to control sexual thoughts and actions even to the point of self-harm, leading to unhealthy sexual behaviour. Sex and masturbation are intertwined because addiction in one is most like to lead to addiction in the other two.

A person with sex addiction will spend an unreasonable amount of time having sex or thinking about it. Sex addicts usually have to intensify their behaviour to get pleasure and that is why most of them become sex offenders because they can do anything for pleasure though they feel horrible afterwards.

They become less productive and distant themselves from family and friends because they find it embarrassing. Sometimes sex addiction can be a result of mental issues like bipolar disorder or depression and some othertimes sexual assault, abuse, or neglect. Masturbation is the most unlikely to stop because it’s something most people keep a secret and willpower is not enough. 

Internet Addiction

Addictive behaviour
Internet addiction
Internet Addiction

This addiction use addiction ranges from social media, internet gaming, surfing the net, and whatever you do with the internet. If you remember how addiction works, you will know that some platforms are still more addictive than others. e.g social media, internet gaming, dating sites, etc. Internet addiction is the uncontrollable use of the internet.

I know many of us might feel addicted to this but first answer these few questions if most of your answers are yes then you might just be an addict. Does it affect your work/ school? Do you spend an unreasonable amount on it? Does it affect your relationship with family and friends? Does it embarrass you to tell people how much time you spend online? Do you have control over it? 
Go back to the Addiction post

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